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Question for ASH Clan =D

Posted: November 19th, 2016, 1:25 am
by Zander101
Was just wondering how often ASH clan members play on #22 #23 blood gulch servers, and if they run their tag? i play a few hours everyday dont think ive seen an ash clan member in quite some time

Re: Question for A§H Clan =D

Posted: November 19th, 2016, 8:28 am
by TheMonk
Zander101 wrote:Was just wondering how often A§H clan members play on #22 #23 blood gulch servers, and if they run their tag? i play a few hours everyday dont think ive seen an A§H clan member in quite some time
Zander, thank you for asking. You must realize that most of the active members are in college, past college, or in that age group, so they naturally are busy often. We all have our own lives, and most of the time we put what life throws at us ahead of gaming. And hey, Halo isn't the only game out there. We play other games too.

And no, we don't always use our clan tags, for various reasons. Sometimes it's to remain hidden, other times it's just to use a signature name (like me, my signature name is MonkeyBuggy).

If you want someone to go on the servers when you're on, just go on Teamspeak or Discord when members are on. More than likely they will go on a server with you.

Happy Covenant ass-blasting!