Petition:Danger Canyon #27

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Petition:Danger Canyon #27

Post by MKnance »

This petition is for bringing back infinite grenades to the once fabled danger canyon they was removed due to past trolling because some serious troll kept joining and stalking everyone and sticky every teammate vehicle he could get his hands on well today is victorious I believe that troll no longer is playing halo so today we can celebrate its time for a petition to bring back the fable infinite grenades back to #27 all in favor of bringing in back please comment your ingame signature saying you support this petition.

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Esta petición es para devolver granadas infinitas al cañón de peligro una vez legendario que fueron removidos debido a un trolleo pasado porque un troll serio siguió uniéndose y acechando a todos y pegajoso cada vehículo compañero de equipo que pudo tener hoy en sus manos es victorioso. Creo que troll no más tiempo está jugando halo así que hoy podemos celebrar su momento de una petición para traer de vuelta las granadas infinitas de la fábula al # 27, todo a favor de regresar, por favor comente su firma en el juego diciendo que apoya esta petición.
Last edited by MKnance on March 9th, 2018, 1:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Petition:Danger Canyon #27

Post by A§H»Skyloryck »

several days ago I saw you telling several players that you were the reason why the infinite grenades were removed, so your request is a bit illogical
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Re: Petition:Danger Canyon #27

Post by MKnance »

A§H»Skyloryck wrote: March 8th, 2018, 10:18 pm several days ago I saw you telling several players that you were the reason why the infinite grenades were removed, so your request is a bit illogical
well i don't know if it was the reason it was removed but it probably was one of many reasons for removal a troll team switching and then throwing stick grenades to everyone trying to leave base on a hog or ghost also there is a report system now and alot of active admins more likely to join so I doubt it will ever happen again with the report system they will be able to keep a look out for said troll if they happen to do the same thing that happen like in the past
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Re: Petition:Danger Canyon #27

Post by A§H»Karen »

The infinite grenades would mean a problem, there are many players who only come to bother, make a bad game and this would serve them for their task. My opinion is that the grenades should be limited, in addition to being well distributed on the map, so if you know how to play, you will always have grenades with you :)
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Re: Petition:Danger Canyon #27

Post by A§H»Hexenbane »

Well, I vote NO

Since the mods of 27 have been removed it's been hard to play and enjoy it, some players are wall hoping and switching teams to steal the tank, so making the nades infinite will make it worse.

I believe it's more important to bring the mods back, I know that Crash wants us to seed 29 but we can not look away while there's chaos at 27, at this point that server demands constant administration if we want it to be on the top of the rank.

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Re: Petition:Danger Canyon #27

Post by Zedd »

I agree with kBelen, # 27 does not do well to have infinite grenades since they would begin to see many more "problematic" players that begin to betray and make the games a not so pleasant experience.
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Re: Petition:Danger Canyon #27

Post by A§H»HITMAN »

I would be interested in what you need infinite grenades? What is the reason? :idk:
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Re: Petition:Danger Canyon #27

Post by A§H»Crash »

Infinite grenades are going to cause problems. I can be convinced, though.

I took the mods off #27 and put them on #29 because the server kept losing rank. Now that the mods are off #27, the rank is much higher. What mods can we put back on #27 that will help the server but keep it's rank?
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Re: Petition:Danger Canyon #27

Post by A§H»Hexenbane »

A§H»Crash wrote:Infinite grenades are going to cause problems. I can be convinced, though.

I took the mods off #27 and put them on #29 because the server kept losing rank. Now that the mods are off #27, the rank is much higher. What mods can we put back on #27 that will help the server but keep it's rank?
Well, now it has a higher rank because now it's in international waters, maybe you should apply one mod every 2 or 3 weeks and see how does the ranking behaves.

I would start with the wall hoping mod and then the vehicles one.

You should consider that the ranking improvement may be because Ghost bailed out, he was the most active admin at #27.

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