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Time for me to move on

Posted: June 13th, 2014, 2:46 am
by A§H»WillRok
The time has come for me to move on with my life. To do this I'm not only leaving ASH but I am most likely leaving gaming as well (maybe not all at once but eventually at least).

A little over 6 years ago my ex-brother in law moved to Michigan to date my sister and he brought his gaming computer with him. Until that point I was moderately interested in console gaming and in my mind pc gaming consisted of old games like test drive 5, need for speed hot pursuit, and a few others. After watching some of the games that Anthony (the tards name) had and seeing how cool his computer looked I became absolutely entranced with pc gaming. The computer that my parents had at the time couldn't even run halo properly and would freeze once you got to the part in the campaign where you first get the sniper and shoot the covenant that are hiding behind all the shields. A few months later though my mom bought an old dell computer from a second hand store and it was able to run halo and killing floor (even though it had a single core pentium 4 cpu, 2GB of RAM, and something like a few hundred MB on-board gfx card). I played halo pc for quite a while and at some point I tried joining a few clans and even tried making my own. After applying and being accepted to a racing clan I disappeared from the halo community for about a year and played a lot of killing floor. Not long after I started on this killing floor spree I made a friend but eventually lost the friend which made me go back to halo. After playing halo for a little bit I started to get bored until I found some mods which sparked my interest. The mods started to get old as well because of how limited they were. About this time my little brother had also bought a copy of halo and we would play on modded maps a lot. While looking around for more modded maps we eventually came across halo ce and it opened up a whole new world to us. We downloaded literally hundreds of maps and played them all (mostly against each other). Sometime during this period my brother had stumbled across the old =CE= zombies snow grove server. At first I didn't believe him when he told me about it and how it worked but after playing on it I absolutely fell in love with it and I fairly quickly became the best player on the server (better than all of the =CE= people that played on there as well :p ). After talking with several of the =CE= members on the snow grove and =CE= snipers servers I was invited by Addict to join their clan. Because =CE= was my first clan I was a complete noob and I had no clue how anything worked. At first everything was confusing but I quickly learned how things worked and I began to rank up. During this time I was given a SJer and I was told how to catch someone that was aimbotting. Up until that point I had used an aimbot but I had only heard rumors of SJers. One day while in the =CE= snipers server I decided to SJ someone and saw that the person was aimbotting. I'm not really sure how or why but somehow seeing that gave me an exceptional ability; I could almost instantly determine if someone was cheating or playing normally. Now the majority of you and everyone else I've ever met won't be able to understand and you probly will think I'm just trying to say that I'm this great person and I can catch so many bots cause I'm a pr0 l337 haxor. Obviously back then I didn't know as much about bots and cheating as I know now but ever since then I've had this inhuman ability to just plainly see the difference between an actual player and a computer program playing the game. Its been quite frustrating at times though because of people that seem to be blind or just plain retarded when their watching videos of people cheating and they can't see it or they say the person is just 'good'. (moving on). Now before I started playing halo ce I played a lot of snipers dream team and I (like a lot of people that cheat) got frustrated because people would kill me a lot and I couldn't ever find them. I had played a good amount of halo by this point and halo still had a fairly large american base so I saw a lot of people talking about aimbots and so I decided to try and find one to see how it worked. After finding a few 'aimbots' that didn't work (they were probly trojans xD ) I finally found one that I was able to use. After about 10 minutes of using it on the snipers dream team server however someone asked me to add them on xfire. After adding the person they sent me a link to the video that they had just taken of me aimbotting. The person was an admin on the snipers dream team server and instead of just outright banning me like what people do today on servers he explained to me that aimbotting was wrong and told me that he wouldn't ban me the first time around. Fast forward back to =CE=; after catching my first bot I became obsessed with catching as many aimbotters as possible because I couldn't stand people that were cheating. I became quite efficient with catching people that were cheating but I wanted to learn more. I started looking for every kind of cheating program that existed and I found pretty much every single one that existed at the time except for a click bot. I began to test them out on modded and/or custom maps with AI to see how they worked so that I could better understand them and in turn be able to catch people using them quicker. Among the programs that I found was a Name ESP. A Name ESP allows you to switch the green arrows and names that are above your team over to the enemy team so that you can see where they are. I ended up using this while SJing people that were botting because it meant that I could simply press a button to switch the arrows instead of having to change teams. This became very useful because you can't always switch to the opposite team of someone that's botting because of things such as auto balance or maybe because your on a zombies server and team switching is disabled. Using this Name ESP saved a lot of time and it made it so that there was always arrows above the peoples heads that the botter was shooting at (except for on slayer gametypes). After telling people in =CE= that I used a Name ESP while SJing I was almost kicked from the clan. About a month or so before this I had applied to their [RS] Squad (rcon squad/server admins) and after finding out that I used a name ESP when SJing they denied my app.

Probly time to split the super long paragraph even though it may not be grammatically or englishly correct but w/e I don't really care.

While in =CE= I was introduced to =DG=. At first I thought =DG= was full of a bunch of little nooblet immature kids that were stupid because that's basically what people in =CE= said about them (even though they'll deny it if you ask them :p ). After being denied for [RS] in =CE= though I decided to apply to =DG= and see what things were like over there. My app was horrible as I was still somewhat of a noob when it came to clans and all that and so it was almost denied. Thankfully though there were a few nice people that were willing to give me a chance. Shortly after joining =DG= I found that what I was told about them by =CE= members was completely wrong (kinda). While a lot of =DG= members were somewhat immature, they were (back then) a group of friends that like to have fun and they got along well with just about everyone that wasn't stupid. I began to realize that =CE= was the stupid clan and it was full of immature people like you find in high school that make their small groups of friends and they have to show off to them because they think it means something (plague and thorn were the two biggest high school type tards though). After seeing that =DG= was the better place to be I became completely inactive in =CE= and I began to put all my time into =DG= (mostly catching cheaters in their servers (*in other news, cheater population in =CE= servers was on a 98.2% rise*) :p ). After catching a few hundred people cheating in a short amount of time I was encouraged by several people to start ranking up so that I could be an admin myself so that I wouldn't have to constantly be bugging people to come take care of all the cheaters that I would catch throughout the day (and yes there were days where I would catch a couple bots per hour c: ). While I was a corp. (one rank below sergeant; sergeant is the rank you have to be to even be able to apply to be an admin in =DG=) I found myself banned one day from the =DG= snipers server. I messaged Kradon and after a few minutes of talking he made me an admin despite the fact I wasn't a high enough rank and I hadn't even applied. As you can imagine this mad a lot of people mad and its actually hand that pushed the tiny snowball down the hill that eventually rolled into the big ball of hate that most =DG= people have for me today (in other words my getting admin is where a lot of people in =DG= started hating me). I quickly surpassed Grif and even Joey with how many cheaters I banned. Now before Kradon gave me admin I had told him what had happened in =CE= and that I used a name ESP while SJing to make things go quicker. Kradon wasn't stupid like thorn and plague (addict didn't even care actually but they didn't even ask him about it really cause again they're not very intelligent) and he said that he was fine with it just as long as I only used it while SJing for the sole purpose of catching cheaters better/faster. Now after several months I started ranking up and I began to learn about other things that I could do to help =DG= and I became interested in ranking up even further than captain (captain being the last rank that you can rank up to using screenshots). Not that long after being captain I was promoted to officer (shortly after it was created), and soon after that Commodore. I was satisfied with being a Commodore in =DG= for a while because there was plenty of stuff to do seeing as I was basically the only one that was really doing anything (besides Joey). I was a Commodore in =DG= for over a year I think (I was in =DG= for something like a year and like 11 months) but I was never promoted to VA. Instead they promoted people like suika, swift, opeth, and smoke who either did nothing or did an amount that isn't even worth mentioning. One of the legit reasons why they didn't promote me was because I would actually do work and it would make people see that the leaders didn't actually do anything (inb4theydenythat but o wait u guise forget that i looked through LD and saw so gg?). Because the =DG= leaders didn't want the members to see how lazy they actually were (except for like 2 of them) they decided to give me a little bit of power and authority which was actually fake but they thought I was as dumb as them and that I would be like o herp derp I am satisfy. After reaching a breaking point I used this power that they so stupidly gave me and gave myself the ability to see everything, and do anything that I wanted to do. At first I only looked at a few things in their leaders forum that only the vice admirals and admirals could see but after seeing certain things I pretty much got fed up. This was about a year ago this time as well and things were happening in real life as well. Something in real life took place (or well, couldn't take place at least as long as I was in =DG=) so I left =DG=. Just before leaving though I met some ASH people and after coming over here I found that ASH was somewhat similar to how =DG= was when I had first joined. By this time =DG= had done a complete 180 and far surpassed =CE= in stupidity and general horribleness which is why leaving was quite easy.

Now, my joining ASH was a little rough since I made the decision to tell sonor and crash (and one other person who will not be named) that I had given myself full access to everything in =DG= (and that the =DG= leaders didn't even know about it yet xD ). I explained to them though that the =DG= leaders basically gave me power and then spit in my face but were to stupid to realize that I wasn't an idiot like them and I could actually use that power that they gave me against them (in other words to all you =DG= members reading this that blindly believed the =DG= leaders, I never hacked the =DG= forums, what I did was legal and I was able to do it because of the =DG= leaders lack of intelligence. So next time the leaders tell you that I did x, I actually didn't do x, I did y, cause x=/=y). Anyways, sonor and crash understood and the let me join (the other person immediately told =DG= leaders what I could do) and I began my time here. It was rather funny to watch the =DG= leaders struggle to find out what I did and how to stop me/keep me from seeing things. In the end they had to ask Mr. K (a retired =DG= leader) to try and find what I was doing and all that they ended up doing to stop me was deleted a few accounts, disabled others, banned me a few times, removed some coding on the forums, exposed a forum vulnerability that still hasn't been fixed (oops, did I forget to mention that to you =DG= leaders? sry not sry. That's right, at any time during this past year it would have taken me minutes to actually hack my way in, not that I needed to), and remove permissions from a few accounts. After thinking that they stopped me the =DG= leaders stopped working again and went back to not working like they have done and still do and things in ASH because of that calmed down. Most of you guys know the rest of what happened with me in ASH since you've been here with me so I don't really need to get into that.

I would like to say a few things though. In =CE=, in =DG=, and in ASH (but not very much tbh) I used a name ESP for SJing purposes. Other than the one time in the snipers dream team server I have to this day never used an aimbot, clickbot, triggerbot, slidebot, or any other kind of bot in a public or private server unless I was testing it (and I only tested in a public server like 5 times for specific reasons, and none of those times were when I was in ASH). Again, just to clarify, other than that one time years ago I haven't botted. Also, for my entire time in ASH I've never played as hard as I could, and tbh I only played as hard as I could a few times (like the time I beat smoke so bad it wasn't even funny but inb4denylol). Uh, what else. Hmmm, I guess its time to tell some members how I think about them.

Lets see,

Sonor, your a good leader just try and get along with crash. I understand you guys have differences but unless something changes between you two the clan might not continue.

Crash, your a bad leader and you should feel bad jk <3. It takes two to fight and it takes more than two to run a clan. In other words, YOU need to work things out, not just Sonor. Also it takes more than two people to run a clan, don't really need to explain that one.

Asi, your a noob, you will always be a noob, and you cannot excape this destiny. Keep doing what your doing and you'll get where you want to go. If anything should get changed I'd say be a little more mature and a little less like typhoon and you'll be good to go. And stop being so bad at bf3 I swear on me mum u m16a3 noob >:o

Mandalor, not gonna lie, when I first joined ASH you sucked at halo. In the past several months of playing halo you've gotten a LOT better than when I first met you. Just remember though that being the best isn't what's important, its about having fun, that's what makes a truly great player.

Xoth, pretty much same as mandalor. You sucked at halo but now you've gotten surprisingly good.

Doctor, your an ok guy but a horrible doctor.

Elbarto, even though I'm leaving gaming, I'll still 1v1 you whenever you want. Just say the word and I'll be there :]

Jook, your like mandalor and xoth except a little different. You weren't as bad as them and your not really as good as them right now but you've still gotten better and it was unexpected. Also keep up the hard work and maybe someday you can be a leader.

Kelly, >:D
U still mad about me 'botting'? xD

Marshy, didn't really get to know you that well but you need to stop welding all the doors >:o

Ranger, co-op is just not meant to be, sry not sry.

Shimmer, didn't talk much since you mostly only hanged out with wizard and all the old people but your a pretty cool person.

Spyker, you are a mysterious and strange person that I will not ever understand, this is a good thing.

Stealth, even though your wrong, your still a cool guy.

Voltage, white power, that is all.

And then there is Tucker. Even though you were mean to me in =DG= I still forgived you. I would like for you to stop burning my food and stealing my sleeps though.

Everyone else, either your afk, I don't know you, I don't care, or I would only have something negative to say because your immature and did something to annoy me or hurt me.

Now, like with =DG= because my leaving decision pertains to real life you shall not pass know what the reason is. I will say this however, I basically am at a crossroads in my life right now and I have to choose between something that will affect me until the day I die and it will determine happiness, or I can stay and play video games and go nowhere with my life. Obviously the choice is an easy one to make because although being in ASH and playing games is fun, it won't last, especially not till the day I die. My decision to leave does not have anything to do with anyone in particular or anything necessarily to do with the clan itself, but for something to happen in my life, I have to leave this life behind.

And so, I bid you all farewell, I hope you guys have lots of fun and I hope ASH lives on past all the sad clans like =DG=. I will probly check this thread tomorrow but after that I may not visit the forums again. I will also be removing like 90% of the 'friends' I have on xfire as I won't be using xfire, steam, or ts3 again so yea.


Also, asi, I was lying, we were friends but he hated me in the end for catching him and he didnt give me anything but that doesnt mean he wasnt still doing it cause he was cause i has proof and so because he hates me and didnt give me anything im not releasing what i dont have i was being april fools nun with you i swear on me mum ._. lololololololololololololololololol


If you guys have any questions or concerns you have at least until tomorrow night, cause after that I may leave for forever. So ask before its to late if you need to know anything.

Re: Time for me to move on

Posted: June 13th, 2014, 4:40 am
Wow, just wow!
You've contributed so much and so many years to the Halo community. I took your presence at ASH for granted -- I'd assumed you'd always be around. Your company and friendship will be missed.
Will, you are a great person with a bright future. I hope you consider coming back once in a while. Either way, we are thinking about you! It's been fun man.

Re: Time for me to move on

Posted: June 13th, 2014, 5:28 am
by Mandalor
I woke up at 5 AM, just now, and it was a lot to read through. And I'm probably going to fall asleep after this >_> Having an ex DG member in the clan was always hard for me to handle >.> Especially one who is a nun/bot. In the time you were here, I think I learned quite a bit of tips on some halo things. I'm not going to dwell on that since most of the time I was fretting about your skill :p My word probably doesn't mean much but it takes a lot of guts to walk away from gaming. Most gamers would never come to that. You changed my experience in halo entirely.

Before you leave we should 1v1 >:p

I know them sayings that say not to fret in the present if you didn't care in the past, which I didn't, but I'm heart broken that your leaving. You are quite the bot catcher. Somebody could've told me a few days ago that you were leaving and I'd probably be that grumpy cat to say 'Good'. But it hurts a little. Thank you for your words of wisdom. I didn't think you'd say anything like that. To be honest, I don't know what I would've written >.< You've tainted my halo life. Thanks.

1v1 :shh

Re: Time for me to move on

Posted: June 13th, 2014, 6:22 am
by Pr@3tor
I don't know you, but if mandalor thinks your ok that's good enough for me.

Good luck in your life and I hope you do well in what ever it is you do.



Re: Time for me to move on

Posted: June 13th, 2014, 6:29 am
by shiNe!
One of the greatest good bye threads I have ever read. Thanks for sharing mate, and good luck to you in the future!

Re: Time for me to move on

Posted: June 13th, 2014, 6:52 am
by A§H»Shimmer
I wish you didnt have to go . Thank you for the time you've shared with us, and for your help and contributions. If it changes in the future, you know where to look.

Re: Time for me to move on

Posted: June 13th, 2014, 7:11 am
Well go ahead and leave then white boi.

Take care of yourself; wish you the best wherever life's winding roads take you. :-)

Re: Time for me to move on

Posted: June 13th, 2014, 7:15 am
by VOX
:( Good luck on your path

Re: Time for me to move on

Posted: June 13th, 2014, 9:05 am
Take care Willy,your always welcome to come back on your own terms if needed.


Re: Time for me to move on

Posted: June 13th, 2014, 9:35 am
by A§H»Asi
It's been awesome knowing you Will and I'm saddened that this may be the last time you will ever be online. But, I do understand your reasoning and I wish you luck in all of your endeavors.

Make sure to visit every once in a while to describe to us your intense spongebob singing in your car/how you're doing as a cash register :D