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request to put new maps and solve other details

Posted: March 23rd, 2016, 2:08 am
by Black De.
hello I am blackdemion, i play most in A§H zombies #11 and #12.

I was thinking if I could put new maps like longest and chiron and remove/appear less large maps like
danger canyon or bloodgulch and block camping zones like in wizard or chill out, it is not always easy to kill or not completed the "rtv" or "kick" vote, causing the server to empty and only leaving only a few players on the sever...

pretty plz :D

Re: request to put new maps and solve other details

Posted: March 23rd, 2016, 8:18 am
by A§H»TravisDrake
I am always in favor of adding maps. I do not support removing any. :D BTW ...

:cool2: I love to make maps and am always looking for new ideas in our maps.

I have a decent ammount of spare time, and I would love to contribute more.

Thanks :welcome:

Re: request to put new maps and solve other details

Posted: March 23rd, 2016, 2:09 pm
by A§H»£duardo
I agree, new maps but not remove any
I love Bloodgulch :awesome: :2guns: