Time for me to move on

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Re: Time for me to move on

Post by Ginny »

Well goodbye take care of yourself. Have a good life. Even though I didn't know you that much but I still care about you.
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Re: Time for me to move on

Post by A§H»Xoth »

Well met, sir. I wish you luck in your future path. Because you must leave it is a sad day for us all, your talents will be missed.
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Re: Time for me to move on

Post by A§H»Spyker »

Will, I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Thanks for the time and work you have put towards the clan as a Major and Member. :good:
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Re: Time for me to move on

Post by Marshy »

I don't like that yer leavin, and I don't like that I didn't get to know you better.

I hope you succeed in this life altering endeavor.

As for myself. I will most certainly not, I repeat NOT! stop welding doors.

Good luck Will. Stop in the teamspeak every now and then if you can.
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Re: Time for me to move on

Post by A§H»Tucker »

Some of the best goodbye messages to specific people ever xD youre awesome Will, sad youre leaving and we're going to miss you but you know what youre doing as usual.
No i will not stop burning your food or stealing your sleep as you do it right back. and all that meanness was just outta love and you know it :D Good luck with everything; you got this.

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Re: Time for me to move on

Post by A§H»Stealth »

Without a doubt, this is the most informative farewell thread I've ever read. Also the most information I've ever heard about Will. Props for the awesome thread.

Will, it's a shame to lose you. Your legacy will be remembered as one of the best in the game. Not only were you one of the best players we've ever known, but you were also a good leader and an all around great guy.

I can remember my first encounters with you in =DG='s servers, back when =DG= was king, and I used to stand in one spot and fire off a clip or two. Since then I've followed you around from =DEM= to ASH. It was a pleasure serving by your side. And I must say, I much preferred you being on our team than the other team, whatever it may be.

You will be sorely missed. All of us here at ASH are always here for you if you need anything. Personally, I extend my hand and offer the same: if you ever need anything at all, don't hesitate to drop me a line. A PM should be hitting you shortly with a few pieces of contact information if you ever desire to get back in touch.

We'll miss you, Will.
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Re: Time for me to move on

Post by TGxWildboy »

I so lol'd at the =DG= stuff.
If any of you actually wish to know the truth then hit me up on Xfire, the =DG= clan forums or here....
Even clan has a class clown.
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Re: Time for me to move on

Post by A§H»WillRok »

Nice edit.

I find it so funny that you guys keep saying that I 'hacked' stuff even now, it just shows that even after a year you don't have a clue what I did.


verb (used with object)


a. to devise or modify (a computer program), usually skillfully.
b. to circumvent security and break into (another's server, website, or the like) with malicious intent:
"Skilled criminals hacked the Bank of America's servers yesterday, jeopardizing thousands of accounts."

I did not devise or modify anything (even though I could have modified and/or deleted everything), yw. I did not circumvent or break into anything, you guys gave me a set of keys and thought I was as dumb as you guys.

Guys, if you want to know the truth about what happened, you won't get it from anyone that is currently in =DG=. When the =DG= leaders found out that I could see everything they freaked out and started frantically searching for a way to stop me (was so funny to watch those admin logs in ACP). After they thought that they stopped me they started talking crap in the leaders forum and they made a thread in the members only forum 'explaining' what happened. In addition to that they also spread a bunch of lies to the other =DG= members on xfire. A few of the =DG= members came to me because they didn't believe the =DG= leaders and I confirmed their disbeliefs. To the surprise and disgust of many =DG= members the =DG= leaders lied about literally 99% of what they said about me. A few of the reasons why the =DG= leaders made up such bs lies about me was because one they didn't/don't have a clue about what I did or how I did it, and two I made them look like a bunch of tards that don't know what their doing, and lastly three I told a couple of the members what the leaders were saying about them and other people in the leaders forum which made these members rather unhappy with the leaders that they looked up to.

I love how you say you can't stand for this and you w/e you said about your 'allies' allowing something like this. A few of the ASH members have been harassed on =DG= forums, =DG= talks shit about ASH members on xfire, and like the one time we had a joint event that you guys actually showed up to several of your members were harassing ASH members in ts throughout the entire event.

If you want to air some of your dirty laundry then lets go, I ain't got nothing to hide.
Impulse: JAMIE
°jamie: HELLO
Impulse: wait
Impulse: is this jamie
Impulse: or is it her brother
°jamie: this time its me
°jamie: he plays rocket league
°jamie: on my account
°jamie: lol
Impulse: but how do i know
°jamie: usually i tell him to go offline tho
°jamie: >_>
Impulse: say something only jamie would know
°jamie: because i'm jamie
°jamie: and i'm not mean
°jamie: and we played portal 2 together
°jamie: once
°jamie: :D
Impulse: LOL
Impulse: yep
Impulse: you're jamie